Custom element hooks
Name | Description |
bp-sdk-external-text-input-container | disable html |
Name | Description |
bp-sdk-text-input-container__container | Root div element |
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
answerId | answer-id | Answer id | string | undefined |
answeredBySource | answered-by-source | Specifically how the question was answered (ie. "ACORD 126") | string | undefined |
code (required) | code | Question code | string | undefined |
errorText | error_text | Error text | string | undefined |
errors | -- | Error messages | string[] | [] |
fieldType | field_type | Field type | QuestionFieldType | QuestionFieldType.Text |
helpText | help-text | Help text | string | undefined |
isAutocompleteEnabled | is-autocomplete-enabled | Is autocomplete enabled | boolean | undefined |
isCompleted | is_completed | Is answer in complete state | boolean | false |
isEnabled | is-enabled | Is enabled | boolean | true |
isReadOnly | is-read-only | When true, the field will be readonly. It will display only the label and value as plain text. | boolean | false |
label | label | Label | string | undefined |
labelId | label-id | Aria label id's that describes input for screen readers | string | undefined |
labelledBy | labelled-by | Labels that describe group | string | undefined |
max | max_value | maximum length of input | number | -1 |
min | min_value | minimum length of input | number | -1 |
pattern | pattern | Regular expression pattern input should match | string | undefined |
placeholder | placeholder | Placeholder to display | string | '' |
pristine | pristine | is pristine | boolean | true |
questionId | question_id | Question id | string | undefined |
referenceType | reference-type | Reference type | QuestionReferenceType | undefined |
required | required | Is question required | boolean | false |
text | text | Initial text value | string | undefined |
touched | touched | is touched | boolean | false |
Used by
Depends on
graph TD;
bp-sdk-text-input-container --> bp-sdk-text-input
bp-sdk-text-input --> bp-sdk-errors-container
bp-sdk-errors-container --> bp-sdk-errors
bp-sdk-driver-input-container --> bp-sdk-text-input-container
bp-sdk-dynamic-input --> bp-sdk-text-input-container
bp-sdk-increment-input --> bp-sdk-text-input-container
style bp-sdk-text-input-container fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
Built with StencilJS