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Webhooks Overview


Webhooks are the programmatic mechanism that Bold Penguin uses to deliver real-time insurance quoting events that occur in your Tenant to your in-house applications or services. Webhooks are useful for performing analytics and also for writing data to AMS or CRM systems, among other use cases.

How does it work?

Bold Penguin provides an API that allows you to subscribe to events which are delivered to your endpoint as detailed JSON payloads via HTTPS. These events correspond to activities in your Terminal such as when a quote is completed.

To use the API, you'll need client credentials to create an access token which can be used in subsequent API calls. You can test your application or service using our Staging environment, and then switch over to Production using a separate set of credentials when you are ready.

You will also need a URL endpoint to receive webhook payloads via HTTPS from Bold Penguin. You can use a service like Request Bin or ngrok for testing purposes.

Once you are subscribed to receive webhook events, agents in your Terminal who create and fill out application forms will generate webhook events that you receive at your endpoint.

What's next?

We recommend the Getting Started Guide, and then exploring our API resources for additional features and functionality that suit your needs. The Getting Started Guide covers how to use our Authenticate, Subscribe to Webhooks, and List Webhooks APIs so that you can get up and running in a short amount of time.

If you already know what you're looking for, you can go straight to our API docs, or check out one of our guides on the sidebar depending on the topic that you are interested in.