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Bold Penguin SDK Overview


Bold Penguin's SDK provides the basic building blocks to construct your own commercial insurance experience on top of our platform. The SDK provides you with a powerful interface to launch your app quickly without having to spend the time and money to develop complex back end infrastructures and processes. It is an all-in-one solution that includes all the elements you need to integrate with popular JavaScript web application frameworks like Angular and React.

The Bold Penguin SDK Responsibility Model

The Bold Penguin SDK Responsibility Model provides you with guidance on which aspects of your commercial insurance quoting experience you manage yourself and which are managed for you when developing on top of the Bold Penguin platform.

Bold Penguin SDK Responsibility Model

Bold Penguin Responsibilities

Bold Penguin manages the security, availability, maintenance, and proper operation of the quoting platform.

  • Carrier enrollments and the corresponding question sets
    • Question order
    • Question visibility logic based on user input
    • Mapping user-supplied answers to backend carrier systems
  • Event-based webhooks to notify subscribers of changes in application state
  • Rule-based workflows for risks deemed as DNQ or out-of-appetite
  • The availability of test and production environments.
  • The development and maintenance of the Bold Penguin SDK SDK itself
  • Distribution of the client libraries and relevant documentation.

Customer Responsibilities

You are responsible for the customer-specific branding, extensions, look and feel, and hosting of your application.

  • The development and operation of your experience
    • Infrastructure hosting
    • Software development
    • Application deployment
    • The look & feel of your experience, including any aesthetic or customer-specific functional changes
  • The integration of the Bold Penguin SDK into your codebase
    • Securing client-specific keys
    • Staying up-to-date with current releases of the Bold Penguin SDK
  • Honoring the backend logic and any platform-side business rules
    • DNQ results
    • Question/Question Set ordering
    • Question visibility
  • Collection and record retention of customer consent for telephone contact in accordance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) before sending prospects to the Bold Penguin Exchange.

How to use our Web Components

The Bold Penguin SDK is made up of Web Components built using the Stencil.js toolchain. These Web Components work with many popular frameworks right out of the box, and can even be used without a framework. The web components allow you to develop your website and then add your own styling to reflect your brand.