answerId | answer-id | Answer id | string | undefined |
answeredBySource | answered-by-source | Specifically how the question was answered (ie. "ACORD 126") | string | undefined |
autoComplete | auto-complete | Autocomplete attribute value for input | string | undefined |
canHide | can-hide | When true, the input can be toggled between text and password modes. In text mode, the input displays the text entered by the user as is. In password mode, the input obfuscates the text value (usually with * or • ). | boolean | false |
code | code | question code | string | undefined |
errorText | error_text | Error message | string | undefined |
errors | -- | Error messages | any[] | [] |
fieldType | field_type | field type | QuestionFieldType | undefined |
helpText | help-text | Help text | string | undefined |
isCompleted | is_completed | Is answer in complete state | boolean | false |
isReadOnly | is-read-only | When true, the field will be readonly. It will display only the label and value as plain text. | boolean | false |
label | label | Label to use | string | undefined |
labelId | label-id | Aria label id's that describes input for screen readers | string | undefined |
labelledBy | labelled-by | Labels that describe group | string | undefined |
mask | mask | Mask pattern to be applied to the input in visible mode. See the documentation of the InputMask package for valid mask patterns. | string | undefined |
max | max_value | maximum value | number | undefined |
maxDate | max_date | maximum date value | string | undefined |
min | min_value | minimum value | number | undefined |
minDate | min_date | minimum date value | string | undefined |
options | -- | Options for input mask. Supported options are: placeholder (string) - This character will be used in the mask and input placeholder to represent where user input is expected (i.e. non-separator characters). For example, a date mask of dd/mm/yyyy with # as a placeholder character will display as ##/##/#### . prefix (string) - This text will be displayed at the start of the mask and input placeholder. For example, for a mask of 0.00 , a prefix of $ , and a placeholder of # , the mask displayed in the input will be $#.## . | IMaskOptions | undefined |
pattern | pattern | Regex pattern to match | string | undefined |
placeholder | placeholder | Placeholder to display | string | '' |
pristine | pristine | Is pristine | boolean | true |
questionId | question_id | Question id | string | undefined |
required | required | Determines if input is required | boolean | false |
touched | touched | Is touched | boolean | false |
useComplexMaskLogic | use-complex-mask-logic | When this prop is true, and a valid answer for this question has been synced to the backend, if the user edits the value without providing a valid answer, the original persisted answer will be restored. Additionally, the formatting mask will be temporarily disabled until the user makes edits to the answer field. This allows an obfuscated form of the answer (i.e. 12345 -> ***45) to be provided by the backend without conflicting with the requirements of the mask pattern. | boolean | false |
value | value | Current value | string | undefined |