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Send Application Form (Exchange)


Send an application form for a prospect to the Bold Penguin Exchange. You will need to map the prospect's responses to the Bold Penguin master question set and supply them in the request body for this endpoint.

The endpoint returns an application form ID.





This endpoint requires an access_token from the authentication endpoint in the same environment. Include it as a bearer token in an Authorization header for the request.

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>



Request Syntax

The body of the request contains a completed application_form in JSON format. This form must include mqs_phone along with any additional question codes and answers from the Master Question Set.

"application_form": {
"answer_values": [
"code": "mqs_first_name",
"answer": "<string>"
"code": "mqs_last_name",
"answer": "<string>"
"code": "mqs_business_name",
"answer": "<string>"
"code": "mqs_phone",
"answer": "<string>"

Request Parameters

JSON Parameters

Your JSON payload must include an application_form object with the following properties:

  • answer_values
    • An array of one or more question code and answer tuples
    • Type: JSON object
    • Required: Yes

Response Syntax

"id": <uid string>,

Response Elements

  • id
    • The unique ID for this application form in the Exchange
    • Type: String

Note: The response may include additional attributes that are not relevant and may be ignored.

Status Codes

Note: A prospect can only be sent to Bold Penguin once. Bold Penguin uses the prospect's phone number to ensure uniqueness. If it is not unique, you will receive a 422 response.


Example Request

$ cat data.json
"application_form": {
"answer_values": [
"code": "mqs_first_name",
"answer": "John"
"code": "mqs_last_name",
"answer": "Smith"
"code": "mqs_business_name",
"answer": "XYZ Company"
"code": "mqs_phone",
"answer": "6145558888"
$ curl -v -X POST \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d @data.json \

Example Response

"id": "2a1a6c3e-742f-4d26-b37c-995c72e2cedd",
"tenant_id": "76fe7443-2629-494c-b645-9c4d14d780e2",
"user_group_id": "a621af94-f454-4ffc-b56c-08971630b622",
"owner_id": "840337b8-831e-45a7-b7ff-3c7c83a9b3b2",
"parent_id": "8ef6bb6b-d946-4899-9531-fb81e1674815",
"completed_at": null,
"locked": false,
"taken_over": false,
"state": "in_progress",
"reference_id": "4LX-JXC-QJR",
"cable_token": "24435d7b-9b55-43dc-9ea0-9bcc037c99ca",
"redirect_url": null,
"quote_requests_count": 0,
"owner_is_guest": false,
"finished_quote_requests_count": 0,
"created_at": "2019-11-08T13:41:33.920-05:00",
"updated_at": "2019-11-08T13:41:34.698-05:00",
"cloned": false,
"inactive": false,
"global_origin_tenant_name": "Chuck's Agency",
"features": [],
"application_forms_question_sets": [],
"messages": [],
"quote_requests": []