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Const getVehicleConfigurationsResourceMap

getVehicleConfigurationsResourceMap: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector(getVehicleOptionsResourceMap, (resources) => resources.configurations)

Returns vehicle configuration options resources for all question sets

param The BpSdk Redux store

Const getVehicleMakesResourceMap

getVehicleMakesResourceMap: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector(getVehicleOptionsResourceMap, (resources) => resources.makes)

Returns vehicle make options resources for all question sets

param The BpSdk Redux store

Const getVehicleModelsResourceMap

getVehicleModelsResourceMap: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector(getVehicleOptionsResourceMap, (resources) => resources.models)

Returns vehicle make options resources for all question sets

param The BpSdk Redux store

Const getVehicleOptionsResourceMap

getVehicleOptionsResourceMap: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector(getRemoteStatus, (status) => status.vehicles)

Returns all vehicle selection options resources for all question sets

param The BpSdk Redux store

Const getVehicleSelectionState

getVehicleSelectionState: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector( [getVehicleSelectionsResourceMap, (_: BpSdkStore, questionGroupId: string) => questionGroupId], (vehicleOptionsMap, questionGroupId) => vehicleOptionsMap[questionGroupId] )

Returns vehicle selection state for the specified question group

param The BpSdk Redux store

param Question Group ID

Const getVehicleSelectionsResourceMap

getVehicleSelectionsResourceMap: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector(getVehicleOptionsResourceMap, (resources) => resources.selection)

Returns vehicle selection options resources for all question sets

param The BpSdk Redux store

Const getVehicleVinsResourceMap

getVehicleVinsResourceMap: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector(getVehicleOptionsResourceMap, (resources) => resources.vins)

Returns vehicle vin options resources for all question sets

param The BpSdk Redux store

Const getVehicleYearsResourceMap

getVehicleYearsResourceMap: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector(getVehicleOptionsResourceMap, (resources) => resources.years)

Returns vehicle year options resources for all question sets

param The BpSdk Redux store

Const getVinSelectionState

getVinSelectionState: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector( [getVehicleVinsResourceMap, (_: BpSdkStore, questionGroupId: string) => questionGroupId], (vinOptionsMap, questionGroupId) => vinOptionsMap[questionGroupId] )

Returns vin selection state for the specified question group

param The BpSdk Redux store

param Question Group ID