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Const getCompletedQuestionSets

getCompletedQuestionSets: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector(getQuestionSets, (questionSets) => questionSets.filter((qs) => qs.is_active && qs.is_completed) )

Returns array of the completed question sets in the store

param The BpSdk Redux store

Const getCurrentActiveQuestionSet

getCurrentActiveQuestionSet: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector( getQuestionSets, getCurrentActiveQuestionSetId, (allQuestionSets, activeQuestionSetId) => allQuestionSets.find((qs) => qs.question_set_id === activeQuestionSetId) )

Returns the entire current active question set

param The BpSdk Redux store

Const getCurrentActiveQuestionSetCode

getCurrentActiveQuestionSetCode: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector( getCurrentActiveQuestionSet, (activeQuestionSet) => activeQuestionSet?.question_set?.code )

Returns the current question set code or undefined

param The BpSdk Redux store

Const getCurrentActiveQuestionSetId

getCurrentActiveQuestionSetId: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector(selectQuestionSetsState, (questionSets) =>

Returns the current active question set ID

param The BpSdk Redux store

Const getIdOfNextQuestionSetNotInState

getIdOfNextQuestionSetNotInState: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector( selectQuestionSetsState, (questionSetState) => questionSetState.idOfNextActiveQuestionSetNotInState )

Returns the id of a question set that is next but not in state

Const getIncompleteQuestionSets

getIncompleteQuestionSets: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector(getQuestionSets, (questionSets) => questionSets.filter((qs) => qs.is_active && !qs.is_completed) )

Returns array of the incomplete question sets in the store

param The entire Redux store

Const getNonEmptyQuestionSets

getNonEmptyQuestionSets: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector(getQuestionSets, (questionSets) => questionSets.filter((qs) => qs.is_active && qs.answers.some((ans) => )

Returns array of the non-empty question sets in the store

param The BpSdk Redux store

Const getQuestionSetByCode

getQuestionSetByCode: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector([getQuestionSets, (_: BpSdkStore, code: string) => code], (allQuestionSets, code) => findQuestionSetByCode(allQuestionSets, code) )

Returns a specific question set from the store

param The entire Redux store

param ID of requested question set

Const getQuestionSetById

getQuestionSetById: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector([getQuestionSets, (_: BpSdkStore, id: string) => id], (allQuestionSets, id) => allQuestionSets.find((qs) => === id) )

Returns a specific question set from the store

param The entire Redux store

param ID of requested question set

Const getQuestionSets

getQuestionSets: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector(selectQuestionSetsState, (questionSets) => questionSets.list)

Returns all question sets in the store

param The BpSdk Redux store

Const hasCompletedQuestionSetAnswerHasChanged

hasCompletedQuestionSetAnswerHasChanged: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector( selectQuestionSetsState, (state) => state.completedQuestionSetAnswerHasChanged )

Returns whether a complete question set answer has been modified

param The entire Redux store

Const selectParentQuestionSets

selectParentQuestionSets: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector(selectQuestionSetsState, (questionSetState) => { return questionSetState.parentQuestionSets; })

Returns the array of parent question sets from the store

param The entire Redux store

Const selectQuestionSetsState

selectQuestionSetsState: function & OutputSelectorFields‹function› & object = createSelector([selectApplicationState], (appState) => appState.questionSets)

Selects the entire question sets state