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Quote Start Overview

The Quote Start process allows you to create and retrieve Application Forms within your terminal. Your service begins the process by authenticating into Bold Penguin with your client credentials. You can then create an application form pre-filled with data from your existing system of record (CRM, AMS, etc.). Your service can then retrieve this record at any time using the appropriate process depending on the service flow (consumer or partner/agent).

The Quote Start Process

graph TD A(You) --> B(Authentication) B -->|Receive Token| C(Create Application Form) C --> D(Retrieve Application Form) D --> E{Interface} E --> F( Consumer Storefront) E--> G(Partner Portal)


Bold Penguin API requests are authorized using ephemeral authentication tokens. You receive a token when you send an OAuth2 client_credentials type grant request to the authentication endpoint for your terminal. You must include your clients credentials in either a Basic Auth header or POST parameters within this grant request.

Upon successful authentication, you will receive an ephemeral access token in the response that you will provide in the authorization header for additional API requests. Tokens are valid for 12 hours. For more information, see Authentication.

Create an Application Form

Create a consumer application form within your Bold Penguin Enterprise Terminal. You can optionally supply question codes and answers to pre-populate the form. For more information, see Create Application Form.

Retrieve Application Form - Consumer Flow

Consumers can retrieve an existing application form to view in the Consumer Portal. To do this, the consumer is authenticated as a guest user and must supply both the reference ID of the application form, the last name, and the zip code supplied in the application form. For more information see Get Consumer Application Form.

Retrieve Application Form - Partner Flow

Application forms may also be viewed in the Partner Portal. Application forms are replicated as they move through the application flow. Because of this, deep links to application forms are point-in-time and may not reflect the current state of the application. For more information, see Get Latest Application Form.