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Patch Changes

  • Add README and LICENSE files to @boldpenguin/sdk


Major Changes


  • Add IQuestionIndex type
  • Add IAnswerIndex type
  • Add IApplicationFormQuickView type
  • Add missing fields to IApplicationFormIndex type


  • Remove ISocketData type, use TWebsocketEvent type instead

@boldpenguin/sdk-web-components, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Remove isRefilteringEnabled property from bp-sdk-business-classification-selector component and associated types + components.
  • Remove bp-sdk-business-classification-selector-nudge-container component


  • getApplicationFormCarriersProducts prop has been removed from bp-sdk-quote-request-container component
  • onlineQuotesSortFn has been renamed to quotesSortFn on bp-sdk-quote-request-container component which resolves an issue with compilation when using Angular and passing in that property
  • Most IQuoteRequest types on components have been updated to IQuotesState which will reflect the correct data being passed in
  • Added bp-sdk-quote-request-logo-container component which wraps bp-sdk-quote-request-logo component and passes data from Redux in


  • Remove COVERAGE_TYPES export. Use import { COVERAGE_REFERENCES } from '@boldpenguin/sdk'; instead

@boldpenguin/sdk-web-components, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Add support for new question field_type: 'month_year'

@boldpenguin/sdk-web-components, @boldpenguin/sdk-websockets, @boldpenguin/sdk-polyfill, @boldpenguin/sdk-requests, @boldpenguin/sdk-utility, @boldpenguin/sdk-icons, @boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types, @boldpenguin/sdk-auth, @boldpenguin/sdk-core, @boldpenguin/sdk-demo

  • Add off-platform carrier portal url endpoint

    • Adds endpoint which returns carrier portal url (ApplicationForm.getCarrierPortalUrl())
    • Endpoint returns new type ICarrierPortalUrlResponse
    • Remove references to carrier_bind_url property on IQuoteRequest type


  • Remove store export. Use import { getStore } from '@boldpenguin/sdk'; and const store = getStore() as a drop in replacement.

@boldpenguin/sdk-web-components, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Remove is_readonly on IQuestion, code should reference is_readonly on parent IAnswer instead

@boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-auth, @boldpenguin/sdk-core

  • New meta package to consume all of the Bold Penguin SDK. You can change over all imports to @boldpenguin/sdk or @boldpenguin/sdk/vite except where noted below:

  • Rename some Redux actions and selectors to avoid conflicts with top level SDK exports

    • logout action has been renamed to loggedOut
    • getToken selector has been renamed to selectToken
    • getTokenExpiration selector has been renamed to selectTokenExpiration
    • getUser selector has been renamed to selectUser
    • getAuthExpiration selector has been renamed to selectAuthExpiration
    • getErrors selector has been renamed to selectErrors
  • @boldpenguin/sdk-auth no longer exports the following methods, import them from @boldpenguin/sdk instead:

    • getToken
    • getTokenExpiration
    • getUser
    • hasPermission
    • isTokenExpired
  • @boldpenguin/sdk-core no longer exports the following methods, import them from @boldpenguin/sdk instead:

    • getItem
    • getPermissionsObject
    • getUser
    • getUserInfo
    • hasPermission
    • removeItem
    • setItem


  • Remove deprecated createCarrierProductBuckets and deleteCarrierProductBuckets requests

@boldpenguin/sdk-web-components, @boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Update IQuoteRequestQuote products type to new type IProductDetail

Minor Changes

@boldpenguin/sdk-utility, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Add compliance_status property to the IRawUserInfo interface

@boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Add copy attribute to application IApplicationForm and IFormState


  • Correct types coming from API on quotes objects to be string instead of Date


  • Add wholesale supplier information to bp-sdk-quote-request component
  • Add quoteId property to bp-sdk-quote-request-header component
  • Add shouldQuoteCardRenderSupplierLogos option when initializing SDK to render supplier logos in bp-sdk-quote-request-logo-container component

@boldpenguin/sdk-utility, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Add tenant_state property to IRawUserInfo
  • Add tenantState property to IAuthState

@boldpenguin/sdk-utility, @boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types, @boldpenguin/sdk-auth

  • Sort messages based on priority

    • Add priority property to IMessage type
    • Sort messages based on priority when the message state changes
      • Priority messages will display before other messages

@boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Quotes slice will now process new nested quotes being sent from backend. This change should be transparent to consuming applications.
  • IQuotesState type has been updated, it no longer just extends IQuoteRequest to accomodate the multiple quotes change.
  • Add IQuoteRequestQuote type
  • Add quotes: IQuoteRequestQuote[] property to IQuoteRequest type


  • Add logo_img_url_full property to ITerminalTheme type

@boldpenguin/sdk-web-components, @boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Add support for inlining messages into other parts of the application form
    • Add location and level properties to IMessage type
    • Add bp-sdk-message-outlet component


  • Remove name property from ICarrierProductBucket type


  • Add answer_pools property to ICreateApplicationFormParams.
  • Add answered_by_type and answered_by_source properties to ICreateApplicationFormAnswerValue.

@boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Add referred_by property to IApplicationForm and IApplicationFormIndex types

@boldpenguin/sdk-web-components, @boldpenguin/sdk-icons

  • Add Vite support to @boldpenguin/sdk-web-components and @boldpenguin/sdk-icons packages
  • @boldpenguin/sdk now has a Vite specific entrypoint to accomodate differences in bundler import behaviors. Try importing from @boldpenguin/sdk/vite if you are having issues with the default exports

@boldpenguin/sdk-web-components, @boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Add viewState.quotes.filteredOnlineQuotes and viewState.quotes.filteredOfflineQuotes to Redux store
  • Add satisfies_application_form_product_request property to IQuoteRequest type
  • Pass satisfiesApplicationFormProductRequest property to bp-sdk-quote-request component
  • Add new Redux selectors
    • selectFilteredOfflineQuotes
    • selectFilteredOnlineQuotes
    • selectViewState
    • selectViewStateQuotes


  • Add question_codes property to ITranslatedMessage type

@boldpenguin/sdk-web-components, @boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Handle document upload in vehicle panel state for Commercial Auto quotes
    • Add getVehicleSelection selector
    • Add lazyLoadVehicleOptions thunk

@boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Add getStorefrontActiveEnrolledProductsCodes Redux selector
  • Add storefront_active_enrolled_product_codes property to IApplicationForm and IFormState types

Patch Changes

@boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Add status property to IFeatureState


  • Pass minDate and maxDate args in month-year components


  • Remove pattern property from bp-sdk-month-year components


  • Add template_subdomain property to IUser type


  • Add received_by_wholesaler_at property to IApplicationForm type

@boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Add effective_date property to IQuoteRequest type

@boldpenguin/sdk-web-components, @boldpenguin/sdk-websockets, @boldpenguin/sdk-polyfill, @boldpenguin/sdk-requests, @boldpenguin/sdk-utility, @boldpenguin/sdk-icons, @boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types, @boldpenguin/sdk-auth, @boldpenguin/sdk-core, @boldpenguin/sdk-demo

  • Add tenant property to IApplicationForm and IApplicationFormIndex types


  • Properly calculate is_blank for child question sets

@boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types

  • Add logo_url_small property to ICarrier type and associated Redux store

@boldpenguin/sdk-web-components, @boldpenguin/sdk-websockets, @boldpenguin/sdk-polyfill, @boldpenguin/sdk-requests, @boldpenguin/sdk-utility, @boldpenguin/sdk-icons, @boldpenguin/sdk-redux, @boldpenguin/sdk-types, @boldpenguin/sdk-auth, @boldpenguin/sdk-core, @boldpenguin/sdk-demo

  • Some users will have access to select functionality on certain tenants. This list of "tenants" is exposed in the user data and has properties explaining which functionality on that tenant the user may access.
    • Add tenants to IRawUserInfo type


  • Add labels property to IQuoteRequest type


  • Sync status.remote.quotes Redux state correctly