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Application Form Creation

The next step after successful authentication is to call the Send Prospect endpoint to create an application form for this prospect.

Note: You must include a unique phone number (mqs_phone) for the Exchange to accept your application form.

sequenceDiagram You->>Authentication API: Authenticate Authentication API-->>You: Token You->>Partner API: Create Application Form Partner API-->>You: Application Form Id

Application Form

An application form is how you represent a prospect to the Bold Penguin Exchange. It consists of one or more question sets and their answers that provide carriers with the data they need to evaluate risk and provide a quote back to the brokerage. Included are answers to questions from the Bold Penguin Master Question Set.

"application_form": {
"answer_values": [
"code": "mqs_first_name",
"answer": "Roberta"
"code": "mqs_last_name",
"answer": "Smith"
"code": "mqs_business_name",
"answer": "Robertas"
"code": "mqs_phone",
"answer": "6145558888"